Become a More CONFIDENT & Empowered Leader in Higher Ed
In as little as 8-Weeks!
Uncover Your Strengths, Learn to Manage Your Time & Energy More Effectively, & Implement A Proven Method For Authentic, Transformative Leadership.
Higher education is one of the most potentially-rewarding yet highly-demanding career paths a person can choose.
When you first started out in your field, you were determined to make a difference in your organization.
You value education but never felt particularly pulled to strictly focus on classroom learning.
You enjoy leading teams of passionate, creative people, but the idea of working in a traditional corporate office didn’t excite you.
You loved the idea of being able to have a daily positive impact on the lives of students and colleagues.
...So a supervisory role at a college was the perfect fit! Or so it seemed, at least.
Unfortunately, those rose-colored glasses have since come off. And while you still enjoy your work and want to support your team, you can’t shake the feeling…
...You’re not putting as much heart into your work as you’d like to.
But it’s not for lack of trying! You WANT more than anything to be a great leader who can lead their team to success and make a bigger impact.
But it’s not that easy. Like many in the world of higher education, you’re:
Constantly overwhelmed and stressed to your breaking point. It seems like there are student issues to be resolved, staff conflicts to sort out, 3 more phone calls waiting to be made...and never enough time or energy to do your best work on all of it.
Speaking of energy—you have none. You start your days tired, feel completely worn out when you head home to your family, and rarely get a chance to rest or recharge even during your “off” hours.
Because you’re always mentally exhausted, you have a tendency to waste time and energy on small tasks that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. You always seem to be busy, but you don’t feel like you’re doing work that actually moves the needle closer to your goals.
You care deeply about showing up as the passionate, driven, empowered leader your team deserves. But lately, you’ve been feeling more like an imposter. As a result, you...
End up feeling more and more inadequate with each passing day. You wonder—do you actually have what it takes to help your team reach their goals? Are you even in the right line of work?
Struggle with a lack of sleep and a constant state of misalignment. You’ve spread yourself too thin and lost track of your true strengths in the process.
Have no balance. You’re either nose-to-the-grindstone or mentally checked out and unfocused, with very little in between. This is NOT sustainable.
...What you want—to become a more effective supervisor and step into your natural strengths—seems too far out of reach sometimes.
But change is possible! And you’ve already taken the first step—realizing that you need guidance and mentorship to become a truly empowered, authentic leader.

Imagine what it would be like to…
...Show up as a confident, influential leader for your team.
...Feel balanced, aligned, and able to genuinely enjoy your work again instead of constantly feeling overwhelmed.
...Have the energy to do your best work, and the mental space to actually rest and relax on evenings and weekends.
...Lead your team to success!
At Strengths University, we get it. We know the challenges, the frustrations, and the joys of leading a team.
We want to help you manage the stress and chaos, so you can better lead your team, support your students, and have more balance in your life.
….So we took everything we’ve learned in 30+ years of experience with supervising in higher education—and we packaged it all into one of the most transformative leadership programs our industry has ever seen.

Join us for the Spring 2025...
The Transformational Program That Turns Burned Out, Overwhelmed Supervisors Into Authentic, Empowered Leaders—In Just 8 Weeks!
The 8-Week Institute Kicks Off January 22, 2025!
There’s a Better Way to Lead Your Team. Discover A Unique Leadership Method Proven To…
Help supervisors show up as more empowered leaders.
Uncover & engage your natural strengths and talents.
Lead to improved management of your most valuable resources—time and energy.
Increase overall feelings of balance and control, even in the midst of chaotic work patterns.
Provide a uniquely holistic and strengths-based approach to higher education leadership.
Help leaders maximize the talents of their team members.
...and more!
Behind the Scenes of the Supervisor Strengths Institute
8 Weeks Dedicated to Unlocking Your Talents, Honing In On Your Team’s Strengths, & Empowering You to Show Up as a More Authentic, Effective Leader.
Week 1
Energy Management
We tend to think of time as our scarcest resource–but in reality, our lack of energy is the bigger problem!
We often waste our energy working on things that aren’t productive, which leaves little energy for the things that are the most important.
In Module 1, we’ll talk about:
How our brains and bodies allocate energy
How to start identifying where your energy is really going
How to channel more of your energy into activities that actually matter for your long-term goals.
Week 2
Understanding Your Strengths
Our talents influence the way we interact with the world on a daily basis.
When leaders use their talents productively, they can be some of the team’s greatest strengths—but when utilized incorrectly, they can just as easily get in our way.
In Module 2, you’ll learn:
How to identify your strengths using CliftonStrengths testing
How to increase your awareness of the ways in which your strengths show up in your life and work.
How to better manage your talents so you can funnel more of your energy into Strengths Zone activities
How honing in on your talents (and your team’s talents!) can significantly impact the overall efficacy of your team.
Week 3
Stress & Self-Care
Self-care has been a buzz word in higher ed for awhile now. We often think, “I need to take better care of myself,” but we rarely actually do it.
Unfortunately, when we’re not engaging in regular self-care, the “self” that shows up at work—or at home—is not going to be very good.
In Module 3, we’ll look at:
The impact stress really has on our bodies, minds, and our work.
How to develop a daily self-care practice.
How to use “self-care” as a strategic tool for bringing new energy to your supervisor role and your home life.
Week 4
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership Style
There’s a myth floating around that the best leaders are good at everything. In reality, the greatest leaders lean into their Strengths.
They focus on honing their talents and use them to make the biggest impact. They delegate and form complementary partnerships with people who can help them achieve their goals more efficiently.
In Module 4, you’ll learn:
How to use your CliftonStrengths report to discover your authentic leadership style – one that’s based on what you do best.
How to write your own leadership statement that reflects your unique style.
How to use your leadership style to better prioritize your energy and time, so you can feel more focused and navigate your days with ease.
Week 5
Coaching Your Team Members
One of the most effective things you can do with your time is actively coach your team. Research shows that employees want coaching, not just occasional check ins or annual reviews.
A well-organized one-on-one will help you with performance management issues, help your team members grow and develop, increase productivity, and improve employee engagement.
In Module 5, you’ll discover:
How to start coaching your team, even if you’ve never done this before.
How to create your own one-on-one agenda
How to use coaching to further focus your team’s time and energy and decrease your stress.
Week 6
Managing Your Team’s Performance
One of the most challenging parts of a supervisor’s job is managing performance. Setting clear expectations and holding people accountable are essential to making sure your team is being productive.
Unfortunately, managing performance can be stressful when you don’t have an effective system to handle these issues.
In this Module 6 we’ll talk about:
How to set clear expectations, follow up along the way, and to hold people accountable – both celebrating successes and dealing with failures.
How to develop your own system to make sure you’re managing your team’s performance on a daily basis, so you can avoid the stressful highs and lows that come from miscommunications, misunderstandings, and lack of communication.
Week 7
Managing Change
Every institution we’ve worked with seems to be “going through a lot of changes.” Change is both stressful and inevitable. As supervisors, we have to deal with our own response to change and get our team oriented to what’s happening.
In this module, we’ll talk about:
How our minds and bodies deal with change on a human level.
How we can help ourselves and our team better adapt to change when it happens.
How to minimize stress for your team and the students you serve during periods of change.
Week 8
Implementing Change
The last week of our program is dedicated to IMPLEMENTING everything we cover in Weeks 1-7.
In Module 8, you’ll:
Create an action plan, so you can put your leadership training to use.
Think strategically about how all these systems will work together in a long-term sense.
You’ll develop your path forward, with consideration to the specific needs of your institution—so you can go forward feeling focused on exactly what you need to do to get the results you want.
What's Included in the Supervisor Strengths Institute?
8-Weeks of Empowered Leadership Training
Our proprietary 8-week training program is specifically designed to equip supervisors in higher education with leadership skills and knowledge specifically tailored to their personal strengths. At the conclusion of this program, supervisors will have a clear understanding of their talents (based on the CliftonStrengths assessment), as well as an actionable plan for implementing new systems to better utilize their teams strengths, time, and energy.
9 - Group Success & Accountability Coaching Calls (60 Mins. Each)
Every week, Supervisor Strengths Institute students will come together for transformational group coaching calls. These calls give you the opportunity to discuss insights, ask questions, and focus on ways to successfully integrate the strategies covered in your training. Group calls for the Spring 2025 Institute will be on Wednesdays at 11AM (CST).
1 - Individual Success & Accountability Coaching Call (30 Mins.)
Throughout this process, you’re bound to encounter questions and concerns! This individual coaching call gives you the opportunity for personalized feedback to work through specific issues. You can use your call during the Institute or after we're done to make sure you're staying on track!
CliftonStrengths Assessment Access
Knowing what your talents are and how to maximize them is crucial to becoming an effective leader! In this program, we’ll utilize the CliftonStrengths assessment to get clarity on your dominant talents, understand your supporting talents, and get a more focused look at how you could be using your talents to increase your effectiveness as a supervisor. You'll receive Gallup's CliftonStrengths for Managers Report, featuring your Top 10 Talent Themes - not just your Top 5.
Plus, Get Extra Support with These Exclusive Bonuses...
BONUS: Supportive Cohort of Higher Ed Supervisors
Feelings of overwhelm and burnout can sometimes lead supervisors to feel isolated. We encourage Supervisor Strengths Institute students to interact with others in the program via our private community, so you can find a deeper sense of connection and gain perspective as to what’s going on at other campuses.
BONUS: Lifetime Access to the Learning Modules
Our program is specifically designed to help supervisors take action ASAP, no matter how crazy-busy life may feel. That said, you may find yourself in need of a refresher as you implement your new leadership systems. That’s why we give you a lifetime access to all learning modules and video recordings—so you can easily recap what you learned and tweak your system over time.
Looking for a More Personalized Experience? Check out our VIP Supervisor Strengths Institute Package Here...
Enroll Now...
THE Supervisor
STRENGTHS institute
The Transformational Program That Turns Burned Out, Overwhelmed Supervisors Into Authentic, Empowered Leaders—In Just 8 Weeks!
Join Us This Spring | January 22 - March 19, 2025
8-Week Supervisor Strengths Institute Curriculum (Value: $1,200)
9 Group Coaching Calls (Value: $1,200)
1 Individual Coaching Call (Value: $75)
CliftonStrengths Report for Managers (Value: $49.99)
Lifetime Access to Learning Modules & Video Trainings
Private Cohort of Supportive Higher Ed Professionals
Total Value: $2,524.99!
Your Price | $795
Want to Know About Team Discount Rate? The first member of your team who registers pays full price. Other members of your team get $100 off their registration!
Have questions? Email us at anne@strengthsuniversity.org
The Supervisor Strengths Institute Is A Truly Transformative 8-Week Experience That Can Put Higher Ed Supervisors On the Fast-Track to Showing Up As More Effective, Empowered Leaders…
...But don’t just take it from us! Here’s what other supervisors have said about our methods.

"I have the opportunity to connect people with leadership training as part of my work at the college and have experience with many types of high quality and effective leadership training programs. Strengths University is by far the most life-changing training I have encountered. Anne and Alicia provide the right balance and experience to provide effective leadership training using the Gallup Strengths as a framework. This is worth the investment for leaders of any organization."
Amy Jackson, Executive Director - The Learning Force at State Fair Community College

"This work is perfect for someone who wants to learn more about how their talents work in unison with others. It's for someone who wants to see their direct reports thrive but are not sure quite how to get there. It's for someone who is willing to be reflective on their strengths and their areas of growth. It's also for someone who carries worries about how they're doing in their role and needs reassurance in their talents and encouragement towards their future goals."
Brady Griffith, Senior Manager, Student Life at Washington University
Still Not 100% Sure Whether This Is Right For You? Move Forward Confidently With Our 100% Money Back Guarantee!
We want you to be confident that this training will be worth your time and money. That’s why we’re proud to offer a full money back guarantee! Participate in the program. Learn our leadership frameworks. Implement a few systems. If you finish all modules, complete your homework assignments, participate in 80% of the live coaching calls, and complete at least 2 of your individual coaching calls and STILL don’t feel like this program made a difference for you… Just email us within 72 hours of course completion and attach your completed homework, and we’ll provide a full refund.
Uncover Your Greatest Strengths, Overcome Supervisor Overwhelm, & Become a More Empowered, Effective Leader...
In Just 8 Weeks!
Frequently Asked Questions
When Does the Supervisor Strengths Institute Start & End?
The summer 8-week program will begin with our first group call on Wednesday, January 22nd and runs through Wednesday, March 19th. The group calls for the Spring 2025 Institute will be on Wednesdays at 11AM (CST). You’ll also get lifetime access to all your learning modules and video trainings—which means you can come back for a refresh any time!
How Is the Supervisor Strengths Institute Different from Other Leadership Programs?
The Supervisor Strengths Institute relies on a wholistic, strengths-based approach to leadership. While there are other strengths coaches out there, we specifically focus on helping supervisors in higher education maximize their talents and the talents of their team members. We approach your leadership training from a bigger-picture perspective than other leadership or managerial trainings, integrating a combination of effective systems, wellness practices, and natural talent utilization. We also empower our students to not just LEARN the material, but to actually IMPLEMENT what they’ve learned within the program.
I Understand That the Program Focuses on Strengths…
But What About Addressing Weaknesses?
Oftentimes, our talents are so ingrained in our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we don’t understand how they’re showing up in our lives. When they help us get where we want to go, they’re working as Strengths. But when they get in our way—keep us in our comfort zone, keep us from understanding or valuing other points of view, etc.—they show up as weaknesses. This training teaches you how to channel your time and energy into using your natural qualities for good, so they show up as strengths—which inherently means you’ll be working on improving areas of “weakness” as well!
Is there anyone who SHOULDN’T enroll in this program?
The Supervisor Strengths Institute is specifically designed to meet the needs of supervisors in higher education. While some of the same leadership principles may apply universally, we don’t recommend that supervisors in other fields enroll in this program. Likewise, this program is best suited for people who are open to change and genuinely eager to show up as the most empowered, confident leaders possible. People who are resistant to constructive criticism or who aren’t willing to consider new ways of addressing issues within their team may not experience the same level of benefit.
Busyness is not a badge of honor!
If you’re stressed, overwhelmed,
and on the path to burnout…
Change is possible!
Learn to lean into your talents & show up as an empowered, authentic leader, so you can guide your team
to success! We’ll show you how.

Enroll Now...
THE Supervisor
The Transformational Program That Turns Burned Out, Overwhelmed Supervisors Into Authentic, Empowered Leaders—In Just 8 Weeks!
Join Us This Spring | January 22 - March 19, 2025
8-Week Supervisor Summer Camp Curriculum (Value: $1,200)
9 Group Coaching Calls (Value: $1,200)
1 Individual Coaching Call (Value: $75)
CliftonStrengths Report for Managers (Value: $49.99)
Lifetime Access to Learning Modules & Video Trainings
Private Cohort of Supportive Higher Ed Professionals
Total Value: $2,524.99!
Your Price | $795
Want to Know About Team Discount Rate? The first member of your team who registers pays full price. Other members of your team get $100 off their registration!
Have questions? Email us at anne@strengthsuniversity.org